• January to March 2024 Article ID: NSS8464 Impact Factor:7.60 Cite Score:4775 Download: 96 DOI: https://doi.org/ View PDf

    Ethnobotany and Traditional Plant Knowledge

      Dr. Ragini Sikarwar
        HOD (Botany) Govt. Home Science PG Lead College, Narmadapuram (M.P.) INDIA
  • Abstract: Ethnobotany, the interdisciplinary field encompassing the study of the relationships between plants and people, is increasingly recognized for its vital role in understanding traditional plant knowledge (TPK). This abstract explores the significance of TPK within ethnobotanical research, emphasizing its importance in preserving cultural heritage, promoting sustainable practices, and advancing modern science.

    TPK, rooted in centuries-old traditions and passed down through generations, holds a wealth of information about the uses, properties, and ecological roles of plants in diverse ecosystems. Through ethnobotanical studies, researchers document and analyze this knowledge, revealing insights into indigenous cultures, medicinal practices, agricultural techniques, and environmental conservation strategies.

    Furthermore, TPK serves as a bridge between traditional wisdom and contemporary scientific inquiry, facilitating the discovery of novel bioactive compounds, agricultural innovations, and conservation strategies. Its integration into modern practices holds promise for addressing global challenges such as biodiversity loss, food security, and healthcare disparities.

    This abstract underscores the importance of recognizing, respecting, and incorporating traditional plant knowledge into scientific discourse and policymaking. By fostering collaboration between indigenous communities and researchers, ethnobotany not only enriches our understanding of plant-human interactions but also offers holistic solutions to pressing societal and environmental issues.

    Keywords : Ethnobotany, Traditional plant knowledge, Cultural heritage, Sustainability, Indigenous communities, Medicinal plants, Conservation.