
30 March 2025 is last date of Paper Submission for  January to March 2025 Electronic Edition (Online)


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Double Blind Peer Review

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ISO 9001:2015 Quality Certification 

No Paperwork Needed

Multidisciplinary Scope

Zero Tolerance for Plagiarism

WCAG (Web Content Accessibility Guidelines)


(Committee on Publication Ethics)

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Global Reach/ Open Access

Publication Policy

Publication Guideline/Ethics

Guideline for Authors / Research Scholars/Peer Review Policy/Publication Policy/Ethics Policy

This is a national/international refereed NAVEEN SHODH SANSAR Research Journal for all subjects. The selection and publication of research paper are done after recommendation of referees and subject experts.

Your research papers should be original and unpublished.
The research papers should be written according to RESEARCH METHODOLOGY.

Although this is a national/international registered research journal but in any case or circumstances if any university/college/institute/society denies to accept or recognize author's/research scholar's published research papers in the journal, then it will not be the responsibility of editor, publisher, management, editorial board, referee or subject experts. The research papers should have abstract, keywords, introduction, conclusion, suggestions and findings and references, authors name ,designation, department name, college/university name ,place and state within 2000 words.

The titles of your research papers should be appropriate.
You can also send your Research Papers by Website & Email id.
Certification by author/ researcher/researcher's guide that your research paper is original and unpublished as per my concern with date/place/signature of author/ researcher/researcher's guide.
Computer typed copy of research paper

Compulsory Guidelines/Publication policy for Research Scholar Lecturers and Professors

The research papers should have abstract, keywords, introduction, conclusion, suggestions and findings and references, authors name ,designation, department name,college/university name ,place and state within 2000 words.

Research paper should be typed in MS Word 2007.
Paper should be typed in A4 Size paper with standard margins of (2 cm/0.787 inches in all four sides)
Title of Research Paper should be typed in 14 Size font and Bold with Underline.
Authors / Research Scholar Names with College Address should be typed in 12 Size Font and Bold.
Line Space Between should be 1.0 line spaces.
Reference should be in Vancouver style at End of the paper (Endnote).
For HINDI and SANSKRIT papers, use only these fonts :
1. Kruti Dev-10 (Font size : 10)
For ENGLISH papers, use only these fonts:
1. Arial (Font size : 10)
Figures must be inserted into the document in JPEG.
For More details regarding sending research papers you can contact to Editor

Double Blind Peer Review Policy/Ethic Policy

Review System: Every article is processed by a masked peer review of double blind or by three referees and edited accordingly before publication. The criteria used for the acceptance of article are: contemporary relevance, updated literature, logical analysis, relevance to the global problem, sound methodology, contribution to knowledge and fairly good command on language. Selection of articles will be purely based on the experts’ views and opinion. Authors will be communicated within Two months from the date of receipt of the manuscript. The editorial office will endeavour to assist where necessary with English/Hindi language editing but authors are hereby requested to seek local editing assistance as far as possible before submission. Papers with immediate relevance would be considered for early publication. The possible expectations will be in the case of occasional invited papers and editorials, or where a partial or entire issue is devoted to a special theme under the guidance of a Guest /Advisor Editor.

Publication Frequency
Journal frequency is Quarterly and publishing 4 issues in a year.

Publication Year
Journal started from March, 2013.

Publication Regularly
This Journal is publishing regularly from March, 2013 and Quarterly regularly.

Please visit the following link:

A note on plagiarism (please read before submission): There is a zero-tolerance policy towards plagiarism (including self-plagiarism) in our journal. Manuscripts are screened for plagiarism before, during, and after publication, and if found they will be rejected at any stage of processing.

Open Access
In case of acceptance after peer review, you may choose to publish your article under Open Access terms. Open Access means that everyone around the world can read and download your article for free.

Chief Editor :- Ashish Sharma
Add:- 795,Shayam Bhawan, Vikas Nagar Extension 14/2 ,
Neemuch (M.P) - 458441
Mob:- 09617239102,07423-222662
Email id :-
Website :-