• January to March 2024 Article ID: NSS8468 Impact Factor:7.60 Cite Score:4589 Download: 94 DOI: https://doi.org/9 View PDf

    Plant Diversity and Conservation

      Dr. Ragini Sikarwar
        HOD (Botany) Govt. Home Science PG Lead College, Narmadapuram (M.P.)
  • Abstract: Plant diversity conservation is essential to preserving the resilience and health of ecosystems. The numerous approaches and difficulties related to initiatives to conserve plant diversity are examined in this abstract. It tackles the requirement for comprehensive conservation policies at local, regional, and global stages, highlighting the significance of biodiversity hotspots, habitat preservation, and restoration projects. Significant risks to plant variety are noted, including invasive species, habitat loss, climate change, and human activity. The significance that botanical gardens, seed banks, and ex situ conservation techniques have in protecting endangered plant species is also covered in the abstract. Furthermore, the significance of community engagement, education, and awareness campaigns is emphasized as crucial elements for achieving favorable conservation results.Plant variety can be preserved for future generations by implementing effective conservation policies that include scientific research, policy formulation, and community engagement. The urgency of action and cooperation among stakeholders is highlighted in this abstract in order to protect plant diversity and guarantee the sustainability of ecosystems on a global scale.

    Keywords: Plant Diversity, Conservation, Biodiversity Hotspots, Habitat Preservation, Climate Change, Botanical Gardens, Community Engagement.