January to March 2024 Article ID: NSS8492 Impact Factor:7.60 Cite Score:26111 Download: 227 DOI: https://doi.org/44 View PDf
Limnological Studies on Datuni Dam of district - Dewas (M.P.)
Dr. D.S. Waskel
Department of Zoology, Govt. P.G. College, Dhar (M.P.)Dr. B.S. Patel
Govt. P.G. College, Dhar (M.P.)
Abstrect: The limnological studies
of Datuni dam kannoddistrict Dewas (M.P.) has been studies. The study of Physico-Chemical
parameters was seasonally carried out of two years 2022-2023. Four sampling
stations were selected at Datuni dam.The water samples werecollected analyzed as
per standard methods of APHA(2005). Obtained results were compared with
standard values laid down by various agencies BIS(1991) and WHO (1992). The
study was conducted based on their water resources,using phytoplankton and Zooplanktons
communities and origin of population such as utilization by human and animals.
The present study was PH, Total hardness, TDS, BOD, COD, phosphate, Nitrogen ad
Sulphate etc.
Keywords - Limnological,
Physico-chemical, Parameters.