• January to March 2024 Article ID: NSS8510 Impact Factor:7.60 Cite Score:3361 Download: 80 DOI: https://doi.org/62 View PDf

    Digital Age Communication Device: A Cross-Functional Analysis

      Dr. Khatoon Aftab Kathawala
        Assistant Professor (Computer Science & Information Technology) Bhupal Nobles’ University, Udaipur (Raj.)
  • Abstract

    Purpose:The purpose of this study is to determine the importance of brand satisfaction, brand trust and brand equity in determining loyalty in the mobile phone purchase. The study argues that price consciousness of a consumer has a moderating impact on the above effects i.e. impact of brand satisfaction, brand trust and brand equity on loyalty components.

    Design/methodology/approach: A total of 127 respondents were surveyed on 18 questions related to brand satisfaction, brand trust, brand equity, price consciousness, attitudinal and behavioral loyalty.

    Findings: The findings revealed a significant impact of brand trust and brand equity on attitudinal and behavioral loyalty. The study also revealed a strong moderation impact of price consciousness on both the relationships

    Research Limitations& Future Directions: Future studies may look at generalizing the findings by conducting studies in other geographies using a larger sample base.

    Keywords: price consciousness, attitudinal loyalty, behavioral loyalty, brand trust, brand equity, brand satisfaction.