• January to March 2024 Article ID: NSS8521 Impact Factor:7.60 Cite Score:4601 Download: 94 DOI: https://doi.org/73 View PDf

    Political Parties and their Role in Indian Democracy

      Tejasvi Dubey
        M.A. (Public Administration) IGNOU, New Delhi
      Prabhanshu Tiwari
        M.A (Political Science) RDVV, Jabalpur (M.P.)
  • Abstract - The main goal of the study is to examine the many roles of political parties in India’s democracy and evaluate how those positions affect government and the democratic process as a whole. An important object of study is to evaluate changes in political parties through time in Indian Democracy. To analyze the historical progression of Political Parties in India. To examine how opposition parties contribute to ensuring government accountability: And how opposition parties in India help to keep the government’s checks and balances in place and what they may do to advance accountability and openness.

    Keywords: Political Parties, Election, Government, Democracy, Organizations.