• January to March 2024 Article ID: NSS8534 Impact Factor:7.60 Cite Score:4039 Download: 88 DOI: https://doi.org/86 View PDf

    Callus culture from apical bud of Bombax ceiba L. (semul)

      Dr. Kanchan Vaidya
        Asst professor (Botany) Govt. Sanjay Gandhi Smriti PG College, Ganjbasoda (M.P.)
  • Abstract: Callus of Bombax ceiba L. Regenerated from apical bud explant.WPM. supplemented with different concentration and combination of plant growth regulators with NAA, KN,  BAP  maximum callus induction occurred in high concentration of NAA with low to high concentration of BAP

    Keywords- Callus , Plant growth hormones,.NAA, BAP, KN.