• January to March 2024 Article ID: NSS8545 Impact Factor:7.60 Cite Score:4774 Download: 96 DOI: https://doi.org/ View PDf

    Transforming Curriculum with Information Communication Technology (ICT): Toward Sustainable Education Goals

      Dr. Dharmendra Kumar Meena
        Professor (Computer Science) Govt. Meera Girls’ College, Udaipur (Raj.)
  • Abstract- ICTs have the potential to overcome historical challenges such as isolation and lack of access to information, which can impede educational and socioeconomic development. However, many teachers still use traditional teaching methods and struggle to integrate ICT into their subjects effectively. This raises concerns about how to impart knowledge on contemporary issues related to sustainable development. The paper investigates the challenges faced in developing curricula that utilize ICT effectively and whether these challenges might hinder sustainable development. It also seeks to identify ways to address these obstacles to achieve educational goals aligned with sustainable development. The study aims to provide answers to these questions and suggests ideas that could contribute to achieving education for sustainable development, an objective the world is striving towards.

    Keywords: ICT, curriculum development, education for sustainable development.