• January to March 2024 Article ID: NSS8568 Impact Factor:7.60 Cite Score:5506 Download: 103 DOI: https://doi.org/ View PDf

    Jammu & Kashmir during the Partition of 1947

      Anshu Sharma
        Research Scholar (History) Amity University, Jaipur (Raj.)
  • Abstract : This paper aims to provide an understanding of the political climate in Kashmir during the partition. An attempt has been made to comprehend the history of the state's admission into India and the tribal invasion. This study tries to illustrate various partition experiences throughout the state. The horrific violence that broke out in the Indian subcontinent in 1947, as well as the conflicting memories and visions that accompanied the partition. Although the causes and origins may differ depending on factors like philosophy, religion, and identity, the subcontinent saw both a great deal of trauma and success. It marked the establishment of new, independent governments and the granting of the citizenship of a sovereign republic—the ultimate triumph of the anti-colonial movement. The purpose of this paper's audit is to provide a general overview of the Kashmir conflict from the perspective of partition. Aside from that, the paper will also discuss the minimally felt effects of violence in the subcontinent that stem from the split.

    Keywords: Partition, Violence, Jammu, Kashmir, Instrument of Accession, Migration.