April to June 2024 Article ID: NSS8586 Impact Factor:8.05 Cite Score:11226 Download: 148 DOI: https://doi.org/ View PDf
MP Startup Policy 2022: A Roadmap To Self-Reliant
Dr. Pawan Pushpad
Assistant Professor, Sage University, Indore (M.P.)
The objective of this research paper is to assess the
concentration of investment in Madhya pradesh State level startup ecosystem and to assess the performance of
MP Government Startup Policy 2022 launched for
benefitting startups in the State. Descriptive Characteristics were used to explain the policy.
performance of MP Government Startup Policy 2022 meant for startups is limited.
This study contributes to scant
academic literature available on investment trends and performance of MP Government Startup Policy 2022 related to
State’s startups. It highlights huge spatial and sectorial benefits
of the Government Initiative.
This paper is intent to explore
the major Characteristics of the policy and Incentive
to startups in Madhya Pradesh
and discuss the various opportunities of startups in State by
using a literature-based analysis.
Keywords: Startup, Entrepreneurship, Action Plan, Substantial effort, Incentive to Startups, Innovation,
G.S.R. notification.