• January to March 2024 Article ID: NSS8601 Impact Factor:7.67 Cite Score:2311 Download: 66 DOI: https://doi.org/ View PDf

    Role of Civil Society in Politics of India

      Rafia Banoo Dar
        Masters in Political Sciences, Jammu University, Jammu (J&K)
  • Abstract: There have been vigorous efforts in contemporary political theory to review the concept of Civil Society and bring it to the foreground in the academic and policy discussion. The concept of civil society is one of the key concepts of modern political analysis since the last quarter of the earlier century and now it is undoubtedly a significant trend in the process of international development as well. Initially, the concept of civil society and it's contestations mainly led a strong Eurocentric or more precisely, western Europe centric bias but now the debates and discussions regarding it have permeated to the erstwhile socialist block as well as to different parts of developing and underdeveloped political cultures as well. This article focuses on  history and practice of civil Society in India searching the old and new connotations thereof.