• April to June 2024 Article ID: NSS8607 Impact Factor:8.05 Cite Score:15047 Download: 172 DOI: https://doi.org/ View PDf

    The Role of G20 in Supporting Afghanistan’s Economic Development And Reconstruction

      Anil Malviya
        Research Scholar, School of Studies in Political Science and Public Administration, Vikram University, Ujjain (M.P.)
  • Abstract : G20 is the premier forum for international economic cooperation, collectively accounting for 85% of the global GDP. The major contributor of developmental assistance aid to developing countries in G20 is the USA, Germany, European Union (EU), the United Kingdom (UK) and Japan. As of now, Afghanistan’s economy is on the brink of collapse and is in dire need of developmental assistance to rebuild the economy and improve the livelihood of its citizen. Its GDP slumps from 20.56 billion (US$) in 2013 to 14.79 billion (US$) in 2021.G20 has the potential to play a crucial role in facilitating and coordinating efforts for Afghanistan’s economic recovery, if the member countries come forward as they have resources and expertise, will become key stakeholders in Afghanistan’s reconstruction process. The G20 can provide support for capacity development in critical sectors such as energy, infrastructure, human capital, etc., establishing the foundation for sustainable economic growth.The G20’s commitment to sustainable development and inclusive growth aligns with the long-term goals of Afghanistan. By focusing on job creation, poverty reduction, education, and human rights, the G20 can actively assist Afghanistan in building a resilient and inclusive economy. The paper concludes by stating that G20 has the potential to assist the struggling Afghanistan in overcoming the economic crisis and effects of US withdrawal in 2021 and to accept diverse perspectives and opinions regarding the ongoing matter of concern.
    Keywords: G20, Afghanistan’s economy, Sustainable development, Infrastructure, Development assistance.