• April to June 2024 Article ID: NSS8612 Impact Factor:8.05 Cite Score:3125 Download: 77 DOI: https://doi.org/ View PDf

    A Comprehensive Analysis of Food Grain Security in the Warehousing Sector

      Dr. Yogendra Singh Thakur
        Prof. SIRTE, Management, Bhopal (M.P.)
  • Abstract: Food grain security is a critical concern in ensuring the availability, access, and proper utilization of staple food supplies globally. Warehousing plays a vital role in maintaining the integrity and security of food grains from production to consumption. This research paper examines the current state of food grain security within the warehousing sector, exploring challenges, technological interventions, best practices, and policy implications. The study emphasizes the need for effective management strategies to mitigate risks such as spoilage, pest infestation, theft, and climate impact, ensuring a sustainable and secure food supply chain.

    Keywords: Warehousing, Sustainable, Global, Technology, Food grain.