• April to June 2024 Article ID: NSS8622 Impact Factor:8.05 Cite Score:13595 Download: 163 DOI: https://doi.org/ View PDf

    A Study on Mental Health in Relation to Emotional Intelligence of College Students with Visual Impairment and Normal Vision

      Dr. Kuldeep Singh Tomar
        Principal, Tridev College of Education, Muzaffarnagar (U.P.)
      Dr. Anil Kumar Verma
        Assistant Professor, Ambrish Sharma College of Education & Technology, Meerut (U.P.)
  • Introduction-The earliest roots of emotional intelligence can be traced to Darwin's work on the importance of emotional expression for survival and second adaptation. In the 1900s, even though traditional definitions of intelligence emphasized cognitive aspects such as memory and problem-solving, several influential researchers in the intelligence field of study had begun to recognize the importance of the non-cognitive aspects. For instance, as early as 1920, E.L. Thorndike used the term social intelligence to describe the skill of understanding and managing other people.

        The first use of the term "Emotional Intelligence" is usually attributed to Wayne Payne's doctoral thesis, A Study of Emotion : Developing Emotional Intelligence from 1985. However, prior to this, the term "emotional intelligence" had appeared in Leuner (1966). Greenspan (1989) also put forward an EI model, followed by Salovey and Mayer (1990), and Goleman (1995).