• January to March 2024 Article ID: NSS8628 Impact Factor:7.67 Cite Score:1816 Download: 58 DOI: https://doi.org/ View PDf

    A Study of Parent’s Attitude on Inclusive Education for Their Children with Mental Retardation

      Dr. Kuldeep Singh Tomar
        Principal, Tridev College of Education, Muzaffarnagar (U.P.)
      Namami Sharma
        Assistant Professor, Ginni Devi Modi Institute of Education, Modinagar GZB (U.P.)
  • Introduction- Education socializes a child in the school. A child comes into contact with other children and interacts with their ideas, ideals, cultural values and patterns of behavior and it is the bounden duty of society to organize proper education for its individuals to grow and develop more and more. Education plays a vital role in building of society. Modern society cannot achieve its aim of economic growth and higher cultural standards without making the most of the talent of their citizens. So education must be spread among all citizens regardless of gender, race, colour and individual differences. Almost in every country some children and adults are being excluded from formal education altogether, some of those who go to school do not complete. They are gradually and deliberately pushed out of the school system because schools are not sensitive to their learning styles and backgrounds. There are inter individual differences and intra individual differences. In other words some students are so different from other regarding education and special education is required to meet their educational needs.