April to June 2024 Article ID: NSS8632 Impact Factor:8.05 Cite Score:5969 Download: 107 DOI: https://doi.org/ View PDf
Satisfaction Status in Private Banks in Ujjain District
Lakshya Malviya
Research Scholar, Vikram University, Ujjain (M.P.)Dr. L. N. Sharma
Principal & Guide, Govt. P.G. College, Mandsaur (M.P.)Dr. Mahesh Sharma
Ex-Principal & Co- Guide, Kalidas College, Ujjain (M.P.)
is a commercial activity in Indian Economy. It is part of employment for
earning purpose. Job may be part time and may be full time activity. It is very
importance in our Indian society because job provide a respectable position in
Indian society.
Job is a just like a status in any
society. If any person has respectable job in any sector he can participate
successfully for over all development of country. Job may be respectable and not may be
respectable but satisfaction with present job scenario is very important
because dissatisfied employees can not work successfully in any sector
specially in banking sector. Success of banking sector depends on various
factor but satisfaction of bank employees can play a vital role for overall
growth of banking sector.
Success of banking sector specially
success of private banks are deeply related with satisfaction level because
more satisfied bank employees can perform effectively and successfully also.
But dissatisfied bank employees can create a lot of practical problems, disbuts
and disterbance at work place in this condition importance of satisfaction or
importance of satisfied employees is increase day by day in banking sector.
Private sector banks has some
different working condition at work place and private sector banks are over
loaded institutions due to unhealthy competition and other commercial pressures
in this situation satisfied work force is must for over all success of private
sector banks.
Management of private sector banks should take some practical steps for reduce work load, mantle stress, economic uncertainty, unhealthy working scenario for young bank employees etc. because. These are some barriers for the level of satisfaction in private sector banks in Ujjain District.
Key Words: Job, Status of Satisfaction, dissatisfied work force, work load, mantle stress, promotion system, working environment.