• April to June 2024 Article ID: NSS8694 Impact Factor:8.05 Cite Score:715 Download: 36 DOI: https://doi.org/ View PDf

    The Concept of Social Change and State Intervention in India

      Rajendra Mishra
        Asst. Prof. & HOD (English) Govt. M.H.College of Home Science & Science for Women, Jabalpur (M.P.)
      Dr. Sajad Ahmad Dar
        Contractual Lecturer, Department of Higher Education, Jammu and Kashmir
  • Abstract: Like any other society Indian society, too, has been changing. However, the pace of change increased rapidly since the advent of British rule in India. British colonial rule had a profound impact on Indian society. This change took place both in its structure and functioning. Then came independence and what makes the social change in the contemporary Indian society specially significant and noteworthy is the fact that, to a great extent, it is planned, sponsored, directed and controlled by the state. Since the last decade or so Globalisation has entered into the economic,social-cultural, and political spheres of Indian society adding yet another dimension to social change in Indian society.

    Keywords: Social Change, State Intervention, India.