• July to September 2024 Article ID: NSS8710 Impact Factor:8.05 Cite Score:11758 Download: 152 DOI: https://doi.org/ View PDf

    Functionalism and Psychological Analysis in Understanding Superstitious Beliefs, A Part of Nepalese Culture

      Dr. Poonam R L Rana
        Associate Professor, Central Dept. of Nepalese history Culture & Archaeology, Tribhuvan University, Kathmandu, NEPAL
  • Abstract: Despite the advancement of science, technological advancements, and modernization, superstitious beliefs continue to be prevalent in contemporary culture. This paper explores the oriental beliefs related to rain and droughts and identifies other beliefs and analyze it from Functionalism and Psychological approach. The methodology is qualitative approach based on exploration, analysis and narration. It was found that there exist innumerable beliefs related to rain and drought and other beliefs in Nepal. Functionalist analyze it saying if beliefs are functional they maintain social solidarity and value-consensus and Psychological approach claim that beliefs provides strength and positivity to survive and at times may hinder progress incase of negative beliefs.  

    Keywords: Superstitious-beliefs, Functionalism, Psychological, Nepalese- Culture.