• October to December 2024 Article ID: NSS8786 Impact Factor:8.05 Cite Score:477 Download: 29 DOI: https://doi.org/ View PDf

    Organic Farming: A Sustainable Option for Farmers and Natural Resources

      Dr. Amita Rana
        Associate Professor (Economics) CIS Kanya Mahavidyalaya, Fatehpur Pundri (Kaithal) (Haryana)
  • Abstract: The Green revolution in Haryana that started in the 1960s reached to maturity during the 1990s and since then has been exhibiting signs of unsustainable practices in agriculture. The high use of synthetic inputs like chemical fertilisers, pesticides, HYV seeds, etc. not only caused the degradation of the soil health and nutrition but adversely affected the health of the consumers as well. There is a growing concern of the ill-effects of the current agriculture practices and a solution had always been on the active agenda of the statesman, environmentalists and the researchers. The search for solution ends with the advent of the organic farming that avoids or largely excludes the use of synthetic inputs and relies upon crop rotations, crop residues, animal manures, off-farm wastes etc. that restores the soil health. 

        The option of organic farming is equally beneficial for the farmers in terms of commercial value of his produce. Worldwide, including India, the demand of organic food has been on the rise and Haryana, for being close to the national capital of India, has immense opportunities to capitalise the situation for increasing the income of the farmers. Besides, the organic farming shall be requiring minimum use of chemical fertilisers and pesticides etc. that will prevent the high cost of inputs which, again, shall reduce the financial burden on the farmers. So, in terms of income and expenditure, the organic farming can prove a highly beneficial option for the farmers. 

        The present paper shall look into existing agriculture practices, the policy framework in Haryana for the growth of organic farming along with the evaluation of the current market conditions prevalent in the state.           

    Keywords: Green revolution, organic farming, sustainability, commercial agriculture.