October to December 2024 Article ID: NSS8797 Impact Factor:8.05 Cite Score:145 Download: 15 DOI: https://doi.org/ View PDf
Identify Various Religious Practices which Conflict with Human Rights in India
Dinesh Chaudhary
Research Scholar, Pacific Academy of Higher Education and Research University, Udaipur (Raj.)Dr. Rekha Mali
Department of Political Science, Pacific College of Social Science and Humanities, Pacific University, Udaipur (Raj.)
practices play a central role in shaping cultural identities and values
worldwide. However, certain practices can sometimes conflict with
internationally recognized human rights principles. This paper explores various
religious practices across different faiths that have raised concerns regarding
human rights violations. Examples include gender discrimination, such as
restrictions on women’s participation in religious activities or leadership,
and practices like child marriage and female genital mutilation, which are
often justified through religious customs.
By identifying these
conflicts, the paper highlights the need for a careful balance between
respecting religious freedom and upholding fundamental human rights. It calls
for ongoing dialogue between religious leaders, policymakers, and human rights
advocates to reconcile these tensions, ensuring that religious traditions
evolve in ways that align with modern human rights frameworks, while preserving
cultural diversity.