July to September 2024 Article ID: NSS8852 Impact Factor:8.05 Cite Score:185 Download: 17 DOI: https://doi.org/ View PDf
A Comparative Study of Socio-Economic Status on PVTGs of Chhattisgarh
Dr. Kapil Kumar Chandra
Assistant Professor (Guest) C.P.D. Govt. College, Pithora, Mahasamund (C.G.)Dr. Sunil Kumar Kumeti
Assistant Professor, School of Studies in Economics Pt. Ravishankar Shukla University, Raipur (C.G.)
Abstract: Tribal communities
are often identified by some specific signs such as primitive traits,
distinctive culture, geographical isolation, shyness to contact with the
community at large and backwardness. Along with these, some tribal groups have
some specific features such as dependency on hunting, gathering for food,
having pre-agriculture level of technology, zero or negative growth of
population and extremely low level of literacy. These groups are called Particularly Vulnerable Tribal Groups
(PVTGs). The
social and economic position is very important factor to understand the status
of living it is responsible for the education, health, occupation, income,
family effluence, caste, social participation, social position, political
position of Individual, family or group. The present research
study is on five Particular Vulnerable Group of tribes of Chhattisgarh namely Baiga,
Pahadi Korwa, Kamar, Abujhmadiya and Birhor tribes which measure and compare Socio-Economic Status in Udai Pareek SES Scale of
these PVTGs. Research study is based on primary data of 400 household collected
from 40 villages of 10 blocksof 7 district of Chhattisgarh State. Results shows that there is
difference in socio-economic status of these PVTGs, according to
occupation, material possession and social participation of the family the SES
of Kamaar is better than the other PVTGs followed by Baiga, Abhujhmadiya,
Birhor and Pahadi Korwa.
Keywords: Particularly Vulnerable Tribal Groups,Socio-Economic
Status,Udai Pareek SES Scale.