• October to December 2024 Article ID: NSS8863 Impact Factor:8.05 Cite Score:2273 Download: 66 DOI: https://doi.org/ View PDf

    Study Comparing the Quality of Life of Elderly Living with Family and Old Age Homes (with special reference to Chhatarpur District)

      Suyash Sagar Bajpai
        Deptt. of Sociology, Maharaja Chhatrasal Bundelkhand University, Chhatarpur (M.P.)
  • Introduction: Aging is an important aspect in everyone’s life. As old age deteriorates normal physical, psychological well-being, isolates them from society and also leads to financial problems etc. India, like many other developing countries in the world is perceiving the fast ageing of its population. Changing the cultural and family value system in the present situation is one of the major reasons for the increase in old age homes over the country as it causes economic pressure on children which becomes the reason behind the negligence of elderly. ‘Quality of life’ is determined by conditions of events and age had no problem, later after the disintegration of the joint family system the impact of economic change became a particular problem that old age people are facing currently in this country. WHO defines “Quality of life context of the culture and value systems in which they live and in relation to their goals, expectations, standards and concerns”. It is a broad ranging concept affected in a psychological state, personal belief, social relationship and relationship to the salient features of their environment. Lifestyle changes created difficulties and time has become very valued in the fast paced life to leave the elderly unattended. Shifts in intergenerational relations and changes in family structure have brought many issues into focus. The traditional family system is breaking up which is one of the major impacts of globalization. Most of the elders feel that the time spent by their children and grandchildren with them has reduced due to usage of mobiles and computers and more common reason for increasing old age homes are disrespect in the house by the son or daughter-in-law.