• July to September 2024 Article ID: NSS8867 Impact Factor:8.05 Cite Score:925 Download: 41 DOI: https://doi.org/ View PDf

    Road Map for Commerce and Management Education in Digital Era

      Dr. Narendra Marwada
        Assistant Professor, Department of ABST, Government College, Kherwara (Raj.)
      Dr. Divya Solanki
        Assistant Professor, Department of EAFM, Government Girls College, Kherwara (Raj.)
  • Abstract: In point of fact, the number of mobile cell phones that are now in circulation is quickly approaching the same level as the whole population of the entire world. In addition, the vast majority of these mobile devices are equipped with internet access, allowing users to carry out any form of an online transaction. The implication of this is that a significant number of mobile commerce transactions need for a high level of security to be taken into consideration. By using a gate mechanism, the structure that is presented by this study is able to accommodate any mobile device transaction. Depending on the circumstances, this portal may operate via hybrid commerce, traditional commerce, or e-commerce. There is a biometric authentication scenario that is introduced via the gate route in order to identify the processes that have been deployed by the system.

    Keyword- Rod map, commerce and management, digital technology, digital era.