• July to September 2024 Article ID: NSS8869 Impact Factor:8.05 Cite Score:1094 Download: 45 DOI: https://doi.org/ View PDf

    Sustainable Development : National interest vs International Interest

      Dr. Shweta Tewani
        Assistant Professor (Political Science) PMCoE Govt. Arts and Science College, Ratlam (M.P.)
  • Abstract  :  Sustainable development is a process by which we can sustain or  maintain the development done by us for our generation and for the next generations too. There are two factors in the process of  sustainable development   which are supposed to be opposite to each other-  national interest and International interest.

        Development is a concept which is based on ‘national interest’. National interest is the main deciding factor of  each and every policy or activity of a nation.The process of development has such side effects like pollution, global warming, damage to ozone layer, polluted rivers, deforestation, endangered wildlife, floods ,  Submergement of coastal areas, earthquakes, tsunamis etc. We can make boundaries for our countries, but these Side Effects are not bound to any country.  Nature balances itself beyond the boundaries.As we earn and work hard not only for ourselves but for the future generations also . In the same manner a Nation should use their natural resources in the way that they can be used by their future generations also.

        As Mahatma Gandhi said  — ‘There is sufficient in nature to fulfill our need but not our greed.’  So in result we get many natural problems, calamities and pandemic.

    Keywords:  Development, sustainable, national interest, balance.